
School Fees

All fees (with the exception of Matric pupils) are payable by debit order monthly in arrears over TEN months from January to October. Those not able to pay by debit order are required to pay their fees monthly in advance. Matric fees are payable by debit order monthly over EIGHT months from January to August. Payment of fees must be made in accordance with specific terms laid down in the Contract of Enrolment.

Extras (e.g. music fees, transport, day scholar lunches, etc.) are to be paid within 30 days of the date of statement.

2025 Day Scholar Fees Per Pupil

Grade Tuition Fee – per year Tuition Fee – per month Payment Period
RR R57 500 R5 750 10 months (Jan – Oct)
R R66 560 R6 656 10 months (Jan – Oct)
1 – 2 R94 100 R9 410 10 months (Jan – Oct)
3 R109 310 R10 931 10 months (Jan – Oct)
4 R118 520 R11 852 10 months (Jan – Oct)
5 – 6 R128 840 R12 884 10 months (Jan – Oct)
7 R146 330 R14 633 10 months (Jan – Oct)
8 R159 090 R15 909 10 months (Jan – Oct)
9 R159 090 (R10 290 uHambo) R16 938 10 months (Jan – Oct)
10 R159 090 R15 909 10 months (Jan – Oct)
11 R159 090 R15 909 10 months (Jan – Oct)
12 R159 090 (R9 164 IEB NSC) R21 032 8 months (Jan – Aug)

Tuition Fee - per year

R57 5000 

Tuition Fee – per month

R5 750

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R66 560

Tuition Fee – per month

R6 656

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R94 100

Tuition Fee – per month

R9 410

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R109 310

Tuition Fee – per month

R10 931

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R118 520

Tuition Fee – per month

R11 852

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R128 840

Tuition Fee – per month

R12 884

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R146 330

Tuition Fee – per month

R14 633

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R159 090

Tuition Fee – per month

R15 909

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R159 090 (R10 290 uHambo)

Tuition Fee – per month

R16 938

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R159 090

Tuition Fee – per month

R15 909

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R159 090

Tuition Fee – per month

R15 909

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition Fee - per year

R159 090 (R9 164 IEB NSC)

Tuition Fee – per month

R21 032

Payment Period

8 months (Jan – Aug)

Please Note: Aftercare is available in the Junior School (Grade RR – 7), at no charge, daily during the term until 17h00. 

Included in tuition fees:

2025 Boarder Fees Per Pupil

Grade Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year Other Fees – per year Total Fees – per year Total Fees – per month Payment Period
8 R293 770 R293 770 R29 377 10 months (Jan – Oct)
9 R293 770 R9 290 (uHambo) R303 060 R30 306 10 months (Jan – Oct)
10 R293 770 R293 770 R29 377 10 months (Jan – Oct)
11 R293 770 R293 770 R29 377 10 months (Jan – Oct)
12 R293 770 R9 164 (IEB NSC) R302 934 R37 868 8 months (Jan – Aug)

Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year

R293 700

Other Fees – per year


Total Fees – per year

R293 700

Total Fees – per month

R29 377

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year

R293 770

Other Fees – per year

R9 290 (uHambo)

Total Fees – per year

R303 060

Total Fees – per month

R30 306

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year

R293 770

Other Fees – per year


Total Fees – per year

R293 770

Total Fees – per month

R29 377

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year

R293 770

Other Fees – per year


Total Fees – per year

R293 770

Total Fees – per month

R29 377

Payment Period

10 months (Jan – Oct)

Tuition & Boarding Fee – per year

R293 770

Other Fees – per year

R9 164 (IEB NSC)

Total Fees – per year

R302 934

Total Fees – per month

R37 868

Payment Period

8 months (Jan – Aug)

The Board of Governors reserves the right to increase fees with prior notice.

Additional Information
  • Extra-mural activities such as private music lessons, private coaching, dancing, horse-riding and private tutoring.
  • Academic Support in the Junior and Senior School.
  • Toasty Tuesday in the Junior School.
  • Daily day scholar transport from Athlone, Hilton and Howick.
  • Weekly boarder transport from Nottingham Road, Winston Park, Mt Edgecombe and Ballito.
  • Class and Sports photographs.
  • Special clothing for team selection.
  • Non-academic tour costs and 50% of academic tour costs.
  • Parents' Association levy: R200 per term.
  • IEB accommodations and additional subject charges.
  • Private transport for boarders.
  • Matric Dance/Formal Dinners.
  • uHambo (Grade 9 only).
  • Matric IEB Senior Certificate exam cost (Grade 12 only).
  • Doctor visits/medication.
  • Workbooks & electronic textbooks.

Where two or more sisters attend the school at the same time, there is a rebate of 8% of the tuition fee for the second and 10% for any subsequent sister/s, provided that these families do not receive any other form of fee discount or financial assistance.

Parents who pay the annual fees in full via EFT in advance will be entitled to an early settlement discount on tuition fees and boarding fees.

Parents are charged R200 per family per term, with a termly draw held at a P.A. social event. 

An annual fee of R3 000 per pupil is payable in January of each year by all pupils residing outside South Africa’s borders. This fee is to cover additional administration costs associated with the payment of their fees.

Parents are requested to ensure that their children are members of a medical aid scheme and provide the school with their medical aid details at the start of each year. Parents are requested to ensure that all their children's possessions are insured under their own personal insurance policies. The school will not be held liable for theft/loss of pupils' possessions from school.

An annual upfront payment of R5 000 per pupil is payable in January of each year by all pupils residing outside South Africa’s borders. This amount is held in a separate fee account for doctor visit costs, medication, and any other medical expenses. Any balance remaining in this account at the end of the year will be credited back to the parents’ fee account at the end of the academic school year.

The school requires all non-residents to pay a refundable deposit equal to two terms' tuition and boarding fees for the current year. This deposit must be paid in advance to the school before a pupil who is resident of a country outside of the borders of South Africa may be admitted to the school and does not apply to parents who take advantage of the early settlement discount and pay for the full year in advance. This amount must be topped up each year by the equivalent increase in fees and is refundable on your daughter’s completion of her Matric year.

The school provides transport for regular users every school day to and from Athlone, Hilton and Howick, and weekly from Nottingham Road, Winston Park, Mount Edgecombe and Ballito (Monday morning and Friday afternoon). Transport will be billed with fees monthly over 10 months. Click here to view our Transport page for more information or email transport@stjohnsdsg.com. Terms and conditions apply.

Lunch is available for day scholars at an additional charge. 

All extra-curricular activities are charged by the teacher or establishment concerned. Please contact finance@stjohnsdsg.com for more information.

A full term's notice, in writing, or one term's fees in lieu of notice, is required before withdrawal of a pupil from school / boarding, or participation in private music or extra subjects, failing which a full term's charges will become payable in lieu of such notice. 

Parents of pupils enrolled in the academic support programme (in the Junior School and Senior School) are charged a nominal rate for academic support.

Please contact the Music Department for more information.

Ad Hoc Costs

uHambo is a very successful three-week leadership experience in the Drakensberg and surrounding areas for Grade 9 pupils at St John’s D.S.G. It comes at an additional cost in Grade 9, and is added to fees and payable over TEN months from January to October.

Grade RR – Grade 11: A non-refundable fee of R800 is payable on submission of the application form.

On receipt of the Application for Admission Form and an interview with the Principal, a pupil may be offered a place at St John’s D.S.G. In confirmation of acceptance of the place offered, the following enrolment fees are payable: 

Grade RR – Grade 7: a fee equal to one month's tuition is payable for day scholars.

Grade 8 – Grade 11: a fee equal to one month’s tuition is payable for day scholars and a fee equal to one month’s tuition and boarding is payable for boarders. This amount is payable on return of the Contract of Enrolment, to secure your daughter's place at the school, and is non-refundable.


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77 New England Road, Scottsville,
Pietermaritzburg, KZN,
South Africa

Senior School:
+27 33 386 8304

Junior School:
+27 33 386 1500