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Did you know that St John’s D.S.G. families collectively use about 10,000 litres of water every day to wash dishes? And that washing your hands under a running tap wastes 3 litres of water? Well, we didn’t either, that’s why we were delighted when Water Explorer came to our school today. Water Explorer is an international organisation that encourages students to take bold and powerful action to save our precious water through fun, interactive water saving missions. So with the current devastating drought situation that all South Africans are finding themselves in, what better time than the present to start making a difference?

Our Grade 6 class enjoyed a morning of learning more about water conservation and were even taught how to make their own water purifiers. They were encouraged to think up ways of how they can save water at home and created beautiful posters to proudly display their ideas. Zama Ntuli, one of our Grade 6 pupils commented, “One load of washing uses 200 litres of water, so I’m going to ask my mum to cut down the number of loads that she does per week.”

St John’s D.S.G. is also doing their bit to save water by adding bricks to all the toilet cisterns throughout the school and boarding establishment as well as the imminent implementation of Jo-Jo tanks.

Watch this space for updates on our school’s water saving ideas!

Mrs Sarah Cole-Edwardes

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