With the Comrades Marathon route right on our doorstep this year, we had front row seats to support all the inspirational men and women who took part in the Comrades Marathon 2017, especially our 6 staff members! Our three first-time runners, Mr Thumelani “Derek” Mweli (Security), Mrs Naomi Hardman (Business Manager) and Mrs Sarah Cole-Edwardes (Head of Marketing) all finished the race in good time. Mr Sanele Malunga (Landscaper) sadly sustained an injury and was not able to complete his second Comrades Marathon – last year, he missed a silver medal by 42 seconds! Mr Innocent “Siyazi” Ndebele (Maintenance Supervisor) completed his 9th Comrades Marathon, lookiing very strong when he passed us (despite also sustaining an injury earlier in the week) and Mr Mdumiseni Zondi (Landscaper) completed his race with an excellent time of 06:38. This meant that he came 91st – a huge accomplishment! Below is a video of the moment that Mr Zondi arrived at Harwin Rd to what he describes as a “hero’s welcome” from our girls and staff. Congratulations to all our runners and very big “thank you” to our girls and their families who came to support the runners with us!