The St John’s Festival took place on Sunday, 5 May. The day started with a beautiful Chapel Service, lead by Rev. Diane Pickford, our School Chaplain, andit was wonderful to have both our current girls and our Old Girls in attendance, celebrating this special day together – and in such a meaningful way.
After the Chapel Service, many of our St John’s D.S.G. girls, Old Girls and their families joined us at the Picnic Prom concerts, which took place on the Top Hockey Field. Our Junior Primary Choir, Senior Primary Choir, Senior School Choir, Grades 6 and 7 Marimba Bands and Performance Marimba Band entertained us with some great “toe-tapping” music. The afternoon culminated with special guest performances by the KZN Youth Wind Band, as well as the Caledonian Band. Well done to the St John’s D.S.G. Music Department for all their hard work in putting the Picnic Proms together.
A big “thank you” to the Parents’ Association for providing the food and drinks on the day, as well as all the parents who assisted them. Mrs Heather Evans, Key Relationship Co-ordinator says, “It was great to see so many girls, families, friends, Old Girls and staff all enjoying this year’s St John’s Festival. We are so grateful for the awesome support received.”