
Grade RR & R Brunch

On Saturday last week, we were delighted to welcome the Grade RR and R families for a delicious brunch in the Junior Primary Playground. The event was intended to welcome our new Eaglets and their families into the St John’s D.S.G. fold, as well as for the families in the two grades to get to know each other and the Junior Primary staff. Miss Wiesinger commented, “It was a relaxing and wonderful morning to see the girls “show off” their school to their parents and especially to their brothers and sisters! It was a positive and happy morning.”

The event was extremely well attended and with all the happy (and at times loud) noises coming from the playground, we think that the children had the best time of all. A big ‘thank you’ to all who attended, as well as the kitchen staff for the delicious eats that went down a treat.

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77 New England Road, Scottsville,
Pietermaritzburg, KZN,
South Africa

Senior School:
+27 33 386 8304

Junior School:
+27 33 386 1500